So It Keeps On Raining
So It Keeps On Raining
One more day to go and I am going back... To First World streets, houses, extremely hot boys, burgers (note to self: your on a diet), and oh fashion, that too... God I miss the four seasons and it's been like what? Four weeks already! I swear to Chanel's grave if my parents would add more days to this fashion forsaken vaca i am wearing Crocs for life! Geesh! It's not rebellion or whatever it is you want to call it, but puhlease! I am in a bad need of a fashion revamp, extremely hot boys, facial and spa. Yes? No? Trust me, I'm in a third world hulabaloo right now.
Anyhoo! It's a good thing i have my bffs with me. For the meantime enjoying myself in the damp and or wet city seems appropriate in contrast to what im feeling right now..
Took a long stroll in the city with ♥ and we gals found an unfinished commercial building. What do you expect would a fashionista like me do in a place like this? Our heads went to a state of artsy trance, they saw art. I saw opportunities of pictorial and narcissism!
Had lotsa fun with em and the afternoon was spent on *click *click and the likes. The rain feels good, i like rain, im not like Bella.
May you have a nice day!