Ash Stymest and Luke Worrall got me thinking tonight
And it's, well, not that good really. I dunno, I somehow find myself rather perplexed and confused by the sight of these two. Be prepared for an OMG! moment. And as for me? Well, I died.
I'm not sure if I should be turned on or if I should go pull out my phonebook and use my connections to have his number on my speed dial OR if I should, well, be celebrating or scream with jealousy because I know that I have a chance but in sheer appreciation by what my eyeballs have landed on. I'm speechless really. Well I already know that a lot of male models are gay but, Ash Stymest? Luke Worrall? Really? Please tell me they had too much fun.

I'm very Confused as of the moment. Seriously.
I don't want to make any assumptions with how these two lovely boys and their current love-lives perhaps? ended up with these two lucky fairies, but maybe these pics are all just for fun and games because they were they under the influence of em mind altering substances. No?
I dunno. What to do? What to do? Ash Stymest I love you still.
Note to self: Do not take everything you see on the net seriously. Ha.
Well? tell me whatchathink?!
photo credits: charmants